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Leadership behavior has a significant impact on the overall health and motivation of employees and clearly contributes to a health-promoting corporate culture.

Healthy Leadership means creating framework conditions and prerequisites that promote and maintain the ability to perform and the health of employees.

Our Innovative Approach

Brain-friendly and holistic on an emotional, cognitive, physical and behavioral level.

The practice-oriented use of the latest brain research opens up significant advantages over traditional approaches. An essential success factor of our holistic methodology for Healthy Leadership is the active consideration of basic neurobiological needs of the employees.

Your Benefit 

The measurable results of consistent implementation of the Healthy Leadership concept:

  • Higher employee satisfaction
  • Increased productivity
  • Sustainable performance

Our Range of Services 

  • Creation of a company-specific concept for Healthy Leadership integrated into your existing program for employee development
  • Conception of the pilot and company-wide roll-out
  • Implementation of workshops and training sessions adapted to the target group of executives 
  • Individual coaching sessions for executives
  • Languages: German, English, Italian, French

For further information please contact us.

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